8 Blog Post Types Every Business Owner Should Know About (and use!)

Come on be honest with yourself. Is your business blog a bit boring? 

Does it stand out from your competition? Is it fun to read? Is it interesting? Does it make you want to read more? Would you read it if you were your customer?

If you are answering mostly no to these questions, it might be time to give your blog an upgrade.

You may have fallen into the trap of finding a particular style of blog post that you write and then using this over and over again. Endlessly churning out post after post of content in the same format and same style.

But you're being consistent, so it’s ok right?

Well not exactly.

Think about what you read on a given day. You will consume a variety of content in different formats and lengths depending on what it is, why you are looking at it and what mood you are in. Whether that’s sending and receiving short form messages to friends, scrolling through social media feeds whilst waiting for the doctor, checking out a how to or new article on the bus home or turning in for the night with a glass of red and a page turning novel.

It’s the same for your business blog. It shouldn’t just be post after post of rants on the latest algorithm changes or industry update, picture after picture of your products or umpteen  memes or quotes (unless you run a meme or quote site of course)

Your clients want to see a mix of content.

In my last blog post I talked about different content ideas you could write about. Today I want to tell you about the different formats you can use to post that content

8 Types of blog post to post on your business blog

  1. Helpful Content
  2. Infographics
  3. List Posts
  4. Long Form Posts
  5. Video
  6. Short Laser - Focused Posts
  7. Blog Post Round Up’s
  8. Q & A’s

Helpful Content

Everyone loves helpful content, it’s one of the main reasons we use the internet, to learn how to do something. Helpful content comes in many forms including - how to’s, tutorials, guides, useful resources like templates and workbooks - it’s designed to make your reader’s life easier and to teach them something. 


You can’t go wrong with large graphics and business owners regularly use Infographics to do just that. It’s an easy way to convey complicated information in pictorial style to make it easier to digest. Commonly used for flow charts or to show off statistics there are endless uses for it. Infographics are also so easy to create with software such as Canva which has all the imagery you could possibly need.

List Posts

This is a personal favourite of mine. I love making lists so list posts are perfect for me. This is a list post. It’s where you provide information in the form of a bullet point or numbered list to break information down, and give easily digestible ideas or tips.

Long form posts

As the name suggests these are long wordy posts, they are some of the more common posts you see on blogs. They can be very long and not everyone reads to the end so you have to work a bit harder to keep people engaged right to the end. They are great if you want to write on a very detailed subject where a shorter post wouldn’t work.


Sometimes a written post won’t convey the message that you want so this is where video comes in. There are different types of video posts (I could write a separate post on them alone) but they are a great way of showing things where words alone aren’t enough. They are particularly good for product based businesses but are also brilliant to show behind the scenes or a day in the life of any business.

Short Laser Focused Posts

Short and sweet, that’s what you get with these. Quite often posted alongside images or photos of quotes or memes. These get straight to the point with no messing around and are a good way to voice a quick thought on a topic as well. It depends on the content but these usually are a lot quicker to write.

Blog Post Round Up’s

A great way to collaborate and promote other complementary businesses in your niche or to gather up a selection of ideas and add your own comments to them. You can also use them to point to your own blog posts and articles. If collaborating with other businesses this can really help with your backlinks (and therefore your SEO) as well. There is some overlap with list posts but the aim of these and the information presented is slightly different.

Q&A Posts

Q&A’s are perfect for answering commonly asked questions about your business. Whether you just have one question to answer or several it doesn’t matter, you can make these work for you. Q&A’s are brilliant if you want to interact more with your clients and can help you become the authority on your industry. You can bust a myth or even help your clients learn more about you and your brand - there are so many questions you can answer, it’s a pretty endless topic too.

Got any favourites? Thought of any more post types - Please share below

8 Blog post types to use for your business
